Ryan Lovelace :: Flow State

"The more I understand shaping, the more I understand ‘Flow State’, and realize how many people achieve that state of complete integration.” – Lovelace

A brief look into the life of Santa Barbara based surfboard shaper, Ryan Lovelace, and the philosophy that underpins his craft. Ryan Lovelace is a prolific, master hand shaper, known for his performance takes on classic designs, and dynamic resin work. In such a competitive industry, Lovelace has figured out how to separate himself by pushing the limits of both form and function.

Arbor Skateboards’ new Shaper Series is the Brand’s first surfskate release. This ultra-collaborative project brings together the woodcraft and sustainability that Arbor is know for, with some of today’s most innovative surfboard shapers, who deliver deck designs ideal for surfskate performance, and Carver Trucks, the company that single handedly created the surfskate category with their unique truck designs.

L: 32.00” W: 10.00” WB: 17.00”

The Ryan Lovelace Shaper Series Surfskate is a broad, rounded pin that's comfortable to skate, providing the stable feel, and deep carve of a single fin.

The Lovelace is made with a sustainably sourced Palisander and Canadian Maple, Carver C7 Trucks, and Arbor Cannon 65mm Wheels.

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